
Things To Do in Bandung, Indonesia

For you who have a plan for a vacation to Indonesia. I strongly suggest you go to Bandung, West Java, and I make sure you will not regret it. Many people go on holiday to Bandung at the weekends. Because Bandung has many tourist attractions. From culinary tourism, nature tourism, and art tours. Price issued by people on vacation at Bandung arguably quite cheap.

The Tenganan Village. One Of The Oldest In Bali

The Tenganan Village is one of the oldest Balinese Traditional located in Karangasem Regency. It’s a unique insight into a traditional local community, an example of Bali Aga Village cultures (Hindu Prehistoric) and different from any another countryside in Bali.

The Best Meat You Will Find In Bali! All At The Aussie Brazilian BBQ

Meat, meat, and more meat. Just leave you token green and the meat river just keeps flowing! Just be prepared to be rolled out the door.

The Incredible Klungkung Palace and Kertha Gosa Pavilion

So we had been traveling around Bali now for a few weeks. Our good friend, Bawa, driving us around.  It was then suggested.  Did we want to visit another temple?  We had seen so many at this point.  But we thought.  Why not, we love seeing the different temple designs and history behind them.

Yes, We Tried Some Coffee Luwak. Yes, It Was Disgusting!

Okay, so both Lee and I aren't exactly coffee drinkers. But they have a particular kind in Bali that is pretty famous. Coffee Luwak is the coffee in question. So we thought we'd pick some up for my dad who is a massive coffee drinker.

The Art That Is The Daging Wood Carving in Bali

Okay, so the Daging Wood Carving is a bit of a tourist trap. But I was still interested in seeing the traditional process of...

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